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Viva Tough Mudder 2015

Wow! Over £1000 raised for excellent causes. Take a look at what Tough Mudder North West had to throw at us.

Viva Tough Mudder 2015

Wow! Over £1000 raised for excellent causes.

Here at Viva, we believe that companies have a responsibility to give back. We are passionate about raising money for charities that can use our support… even when that means participation in events like Tough Mudder.

Tough Mudder is a 10 - 12 mile obstacle course that tests mental and physical strength. The obstacles play on common human fears, like fire, water, electricity and heights. 

Enter Steph and Paul. With over 12 months of training behind them, they felt well prepared for anything that Tough Mudder North West could throw at them. What they weren’t prepared for however, was the surprise addition of two of their colleagues, Allan and Claire. The pair signed up to participate in the challenge with no training, no practice, and only one week to go before the big event!

Saturday the 12th of September fast approached. In true British fashion, the heaven’s opened up the night before the event. This meant that it would be one of the muddiest Tough Mudders to date and, as you can see from the photos, the gang got very muddy indeed.

The four set off at noon to take on the mammoth Cholmondeley Estate course. The mud was thick, the obstacles were treacherous, but after 13 miles, 26 obstacles, and more cramps than you could ever imagine, they completed the muddy hell.

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Nothing could stop them. They tackled the artic enema, which forced them to jump into a skip filled to the brim with ice water and wade to the other side, and they ran through the electroshock therapy, with electrical wires surging with 10,000 volts of electricity.

Despite all the challenges, they enjoyed the day, and we are so proud to announce that they raised over a £1000 for three excellent charities, Diabetes UK, Cystic Fibrosis and Clatterbridge Cancer Centre.Tough Mudder Group

The team at the finish line from left to right Paul, Allan, Steph & Claire

To say they were sore after the event would be an understatement. Monday morning, the four of them walked into work looking like John Wayne, but they are already preparing for next year’s event!